We believe all our beneficiaries -- including those with little formal education -- have the potential to learn and earn more than enough to simply get by. Rather than offering hand-outs and other temporary fixes that can sometimes perpetuate poverty, we empower refugees to become financially independent so they can create better futures for themselves, their families, and their communities. We do this through both our Practical Skills and Entrepreneur Training Programs.
Through the Entrepreneur Training Program, we’re developing business leaders who will not only make an impact in Uganda, but also in their countries of origin, where the need for business leaders to rebuild economies remains strong.

Although registered refugees are allowed to work in Uganda, unemployment rates remain high, especially among young adults where the unemployment rate in 2014 was as high as 83 percent, according to the African Development Bank.
Thus, the most practical means to finding a job in Uganda is to create your own. Working in partnership with Work for Life (www.iworkforlife.com), we offer our students WFL’s Entrepreneurial Training Program, which focuses on the foundational elements of starting and growing a business. While in the program, students develop business plans of their own and have ongoing access to business mentors.

Through our Practical Skills Training Program, we provide refugees with experiential training in skills such as, information technology, tailoring, and cooking. Along with business training, they are equipped to find good employment opportunities or to build sustainable businesses of their own.